One article I came across written by Akash Saha "5 reasons why passive income is important" talks about how precious our time is and how most of us spend most of our awake hours working in order to make money. He also talks about how important passive income is and how with it you can take control of your time and money.
Akash Saha writes "Passive income is quite possibly one of the most important and central ways that the rich get richer. It’s how you detach your ability to earn from the time that you do have in a day. If you’ve ever heard the term, making money while you sleep, no truer words have been spoken. With passive income, you do make money while you sleep. You also make money while you’re awake. It’s automatic and simply keeps coming in."
Here are the five ways from the article listing the reasons why a passive income is important.
1. Passive income gives you the freedom of time
2. It reduces your stress, anxiety and fear of the future
3. It allows you to pursue doing the things you love rather than what pays the bills
4. It gives you the ability to live and work from anywhere
5. It provides a platform for financial stability and growth
To read the full article, go to this link:
After reading these five points how could anyone say they would pass on a passive income?